Barbara Lubliner


Barbara Lubliner moves fluidly from performance art to works on paper to sculpture both large and small. Her art practice is a confluence of art and life. Each twist and turn is driven by the desire to play with current life concerns as the jumping off point for insightful art.

Lubliner's repurposed plastic trash artwork shifts the focus from environmental blight to creative production.

In 2018 she installed "Plastic Bottle Succulent Garden" in a raised garden bed at the City Reliquary Museum. In 2016 her "Prayer Flags - Good Will Wishers," made of re-purposed protective plastic pages and paper detritus, were permanently installed at The Fortune Society headquarters in Queens. "Plastic Bottle Pyramid" and "Tree Gems," temporary plastic bottle outdoor collaborative installations were installed in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and New Jersey venues.

Lubiner's plastic castoff artwork has been exhibited in a solo at Drawing Rooms and in many group shows including "The Garbage Barge Revisited: Art from Dross" at the Islip Museum.

American. Based in NY, USA.

Available Works

Cherry, 2016

Artist: Barbara Lubliner
Sculpture Dimensions: 24” x 22” x 12”
Materials: Plastic bottles, caps, screws, rivets

About: Plastic bottles have a characteristic "anatomy" to meet the needs of the beverage industry. They all have a threaded "neck" and stabilizing "feet." By studying and manipulating features of bottle anatomy I devised a building system. It consists of joints, segments, and components, all fashioned from bottles, which I assemble into sculptures and installations.

Cherry is made with my bottle building system. I am thrilled to find that the system lends itself to making dogs! Dogs bring out the best in humans. They help us to be more humane and connected to our core. Qualities that help make us better global citizens and stewards of the environment.

Proceeds Benefit: 75% of net proceeds from the sale of this work will be donated to The Plastic Pollution Coalition. Price does not include shipping.

Price:  $400 USD
(Price does not include shipping or installation costs.)


Wall Rug, 2016

Artist: Barbara Lubliner
Sculpture Dimensions: 12” Diameter
Materials: Plastic dry cleaner bags.

About: I respond to the availability of used plastic dry cleaner bags as a new "natural" resource to be explored just like traditional art mediums. The bags can have the quality of luxurious satiny fabric. To make Wall Rug I folded each bag multiple times until it was a one and a half inch wide strip. I sewed the strips together as if they were fabric and used traditional braided rug techniques to make the piece.

Salvaging plastic waste and making it into art underscores the power and possibility of transformation.

Proceeds Benefit: 75% of net proceeds from the sale of this work will be donated to The Plastic Pollution Coalition. Price does not include shipping.

Price:  $300 USD
(Price does not include shipping or installation costs.)

Educational Tools

Artist Barbara Lubliner makes dogs and other art from plastic bottles to pull attention to plastic trash in New York.
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To learn more about Barbara Lubliner, please visit